Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Women as Prey or Freddie's Girls

I just watched CSI's 200th episode.  It starts with a young, blond woman running from a pursuer.  At the end of the scene, she falls down twice because she becomes fixated on her pursuer.  The second fall, she simply lays down and waits for her pursuer, who is at least 3 or 4 seconds behind her.

What year is it people?  Last I checked, it was the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, and woman are still being portrayed on television and in the movies as victims.  Me, I'm a woman, if someone's chasing me, I keep running until I get away, or get caught, I ain't waitin' around for Freddie Krugger to come and kill me.  And another thing I'm not doing, I'm not making (clearly audible) whimpering noises, otherwise known as prey noises.  I don't know when it was that we, as women, were socialized (taught) to be prey.  I musta missed that day.  I gotta say, if some guy, twice my size, is trying to kill me, I'm looking for the piece of re-bar, or a rock, or whatever, cause this girl ain't nobody's prey.  And I gotta say, I don't know too many women who's survival instinct is so weak, they wait around for the monster (or husband or boyfriend) to kill them.

The sad fact that some women get so beaten down by a boyfriend or husband and made dependant that they actually believe that it's better take the beating, and get it over with, and get on with the making up.  Some call that 'paying before playing'.  Love is a beautiful thing.but, sometimes it makes us delusional, we look at a monster and see a prince.  For some women, it's about believing that they can fix their man.  I'm not judging anyone.  The truth is, as someone who's spent most of her adult life studying psychology, I try to understand.

My wish, that media (tv and film) portray a more enlightened view of women.